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How CBD oil and Treats can help your Dog with Anxiety

Anxiety can certainly be debilitating, and it affects not only people but also dogs. In many ways, our pets suffer from stress and fear just like we do.

One of the fastest-growing health trends for pets is using Hemp and CBD oils to help treat dogs with anxiety. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. Research has found that CBD helps manage anxiety by changing the brain’s receptor response to serotonin. Though it comes from cannabis, CBD products contain no or <0.03% of THC, the psychoactive compound that produces the “high” effect in marijuana. Providing your dog with CBD oil or treats will give them the benefit of relaxation without any intoxication. It is adding the fact that Bella Greens Dog Treats contain 9 ingredients or less it's even healthier for your pets.

There are three main causes of anxiety in pets: fear, separation, aging, the unknown, and general health.

Many dogs have a fear of loud noises such as fireworksthunderstorms, or vacuum cleaners. Other dogs are scared of cars, strangers, large bodies of water, or even other animals. Dogs often have a very physical reaction to their fears and may show they are scared by cowering, hiding, shaking, whining, or showing signs of aggression. 

Like humans, animals are often afraid of what they don’t understand. If your dog starts displaying signs of being scared, consider slowly desensitizing them to the phobia so they become more familiar with it. Just be sure to keep the approach slow and steady so as not to instill more fear in your dog. 

Another strategy is to divert your dog’s attention away from their anxieties by focusing on something else such as treats or using their favorite toy to play with them. It is important that no matter what you use to distract them, you remain calm and speak in a soothing voice. Dogs are sensitive to tone and body language and will detect your anxieties, so you will want to reassure them that everything is perfectly fine and okay.

It’s also a good idea to swap out regular treats with treats that will help ease and comfort your dog. Bella Greens Dos treats offers a variety of calming CBD treats peanut butter/banana, Pumpkin, and Apple Sweet potato flavors. Delicious, nutritious, healthy, and effective. 

Some dogs simply hate to see their owners leave and panic when left alone. Most pet owners have seen the damage this distress can do to incessant barking or howling, chewing things up. Experts have stated that pet separation anxiety is expected to increase when people return to work after Covid-19.

Though there aren’t any quick fixes for separation anxiety, there are ways you can help adjust their behaviors. Make sure they get their exercise in —a tired dog is less likely to get into trouble while you are away.

Many dogs also benefit from crate training, though like any new system, you’ll want to slowly introduce your dog to the crate. Practice using it while you are home to get them comfortable with the crate before leaving them in the crate while you’re gone.

Research studies have found that CBD and Hemp oils help reduce joint inflammation and improve an aging dog’s mobility. CBD treats for dogs do not contain more than 0.3% TCH. 

CBD Oil and Treats can ease your Dogs:

  • Anxiety from separation, trips to the Vet, fear of thunderstorms or firecrackers (loud noises)

  • Nausea from car rides

  • Lack of appetite

  • Seizures


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