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Fireworks and Dogs

Dogs have an incredible sense of sound and smell (they hear twice as many noise frequencies as humans), so the sound of consistently loud pops may be moderate to you but might be ten times louder and more intense to your pet. 

Also, you know it’s a holiday and are aware that fireworks will be included in the schedule, but your dog has no way of knowing this which makes them unpredictable. Once fireworks start, they may come at rotating intervals and intensity which makes them almost impossible to get accustomed to. Your dog may want to run (fight or flight stress response) but there is no way to outrun, hide, or escape from the noise of fireworks. They also cannot make sense of the noises, what they are, or where they’re coming from. This adds to heightened fear. 

Keeping your dog indoors during fireworks is a good safety precaution. If they try to run in fear, they won’t get lost and be safe in the house. Suppose you can stay home with them. Make sure to make them as comfortable as possible. Most of us know what puts our dogs at ease.

CBD is a wonderful way to help your dog deal with the stressful effects of fireworks. Cannabidiol works with your dog’s endocannabinoid system to help bring their nervous system to a place of homeostasis, or balance. CBD influences the endocannabinoid receptors responsible for regulating your pet’s mood. This can help produce calming and relaxing effects.

Bella Greens Dog Treats offers both the CBD oil from Green Roads, a Nationally Recognized company and Dog treats made with love from Bella Greens. On the fourth start with the oil and supplement with the treats. Treats are Organic and have 9 ingredients or less.

Enjoy a 20% discount by using code FIREWORKS.

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